Vancouver location: 677 davie st vancouver
burnaby location: 5262 rumble st burnaby
Vancouver Location: 677 Davie St. Vancouver V6B 2G6
Burnaby Location: 5262 Rumble St. Burnaby V5J 2B6
Drop in Class Pricing
1 hr class Drop In - $25 (includes tax)
1.5 hr class Drop In - $37 (includes tax)
2hr class Drop in - $50 (includes tax)
Payment methods:
Credit Card - Fees apply
E-transfer - (Include sign up name/class in the e-transfer notes section)
Class Packs (Payment plan available!)
(1hr class = 2 credits, 1.5hr class = 3 credits)
10 Credits $120.75 ($115 + 5% gst) 3 months expiry
20 Credits $231 ($220 + 5% gst) 6 months expiry
40 Credits $420 ($400 + 5% gst) 1yr expiry
***You can pay in 2 or for 3 instalments for the 20 and 40 credits pack
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a class, please let us know!